Oh my, it happened! A Déjà Vu!
While helping to clean up my daughter’s room, I suddenly noticed that I was getting the same questions I get all the time in data management and I was almost giving the same answers as well. Really, am I now also professionally the daddy who helps clean up?
- Why do I have to put everything in boxes and why do the boxes need labels?
- metadata, yes! Unless you never want to use it again, it does come in handy to quickly see where something is
- I can surely find everything if I put (throw) it in the closet, why do the clothes have to be together by type?
- you are not the only one, your parents wash your clothes and then can put it perfectly in your closet, while you know exactly where everything is!
- Why can’t I leave my toys on the floor?
- a bit of governance, there are some basic rules. In my house there is regular vacuuming, I do that. I can only do that if there is nothing on the floor in your room and you clean that up. Other than that, you can decorate your room as you like.
Data management gives that tidy room: not only does it look better, we can now do more (with data)!