The next time your boss (or whoever) talks again about that data management should be at a higher maturity level (or even “finished”) within 1 year, it may help to explain how data management and data governance are actually evolving within the organization.
The picture below is freely translated according to the Dynamic Stability Model (Victor, Boynton and Pine – IBM Systems journal volume 32 1993). In a nutshell, if you look at enterprises and their processes, it boils down to stable and/or dynamic products realized by stable and/or dynamic processes.
It is an interesting look at how to frame the process to further develop data management and data governance.
The picture shows that an organization needs time after a successful Proof of Concept or Pilot to gain knowledge and experience, tune processes and systems, and train people. It is a wise approach to address many issues centrally first and only later implement more decentrally.
Thanks to Max Meijers for this and many other insights he has given me over the years!