So what is so different about data when you compare it to people, processes and systems?
If you look at the policy below, you know: people, processes and systems that created and managed this policy are gone, even the organizations are gone, but the data is still there. With the data, you can still construct a good portion of what was.
That’s why data-centric thinking is much more sustainable, than system- or process-centric thinking. Most organizations don’t think data-centric (yet). Systems, applications and processes are leading. Although we know that SAP is being replaced by the next system, Azure is hot now but not in a few years (?), that organizations are continuously being acquired, split, merged.
I want to make a case for liberating data from systems and processes, for describing data system- and process-independently, making it frequently and long-term usable and reusable.
Data-driven starts here!
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