Anecdotal vs. Statistical

Written by Ronald Baan

Ronald is a data enthusiast who spends his time sharing his passion in data with others.

2 May 2022

Something to think about…

How often do examples, anecdotes come up in conversations (certainly since corona, but not limited to …) and it is difficult to have such a conversation properly. An example can and often will be true, but it is not proof of how something works.

And this is where many media do make mistakes. Possibly to attract readers and viewers, anecdotes are widely reported, while not helping to understand the whole thing. Even statistics alone are not enough, because harrowing cases, even if it is just children placed out of home by the “blacklists” of the Internal Revenue Service. In 2021, there were 3.3 million children under 18 (source: CBS). 1100 children placed out of home is 0.03%, so statistically low and at the same time completely unacceptable.

I wrote it: think about it (if you didn’t already).

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